It’s Not Easy Being Purple

Pacey makes a splashThe following illustrations are from the graphic novel, Pacey Packer Unicorn Tracker.

Pacey makes a big splash when she lands in Rundalyn – magical land of the unicorns.  This was a fun illustration for me because I was able to “paint” a bit more with the digital paint brushes.

Finally, Pacey meets Arkane the Alpha Unicorn.  Arkane is very fancy and very vain.  (He probably thinks this song is about him.) One of the things I like to do with Arkane, when I can, is have the portrait of him on the wall mirror what he’s actually doing.  To the right of Arkane is a messenger bird.  I never say how Slasher is able to communicate with Arkane in the book, I just give visual clues. This is the same bird that you see in Mina’s room above.  All those strips of paper on the floor are messages that Arkane has received.

You’ll also notice a small creature holding a bowl of fruit.  That creature is called a mog.  We will see more mogs as the series progresses.

All of the art is hand drawn in ink, scanned into my computer, then digitally painted in Photoshop.

Arkane the Unicorn