Benefits of Graphic Novels

Boy reads Pacey Packer Unicorn Tracker


It might be shocking to learn that some people don’t consider reading graphic novels (or comics) to be real reading. Crazy, right?! But studies have shown that by deciphering images along with text helps some students retain more of the story, learn the context of the scene or unfamiliar words, and even heighten their enjoyment of the story – which boosts their self-esteem – and creates life-long readers.


And graphic novels aren’t just super hero stories any more. A graphic novel is simply a story told in panel form with text and images, but it can be any kind of story. Smile by Raina Telgemeier is an autobiography about young Raina’s ordeal when she had an accident and knocked out her two front teeth. El Deafo by Cece Bell a child transitions from a school where all of the students are deaf, to one where she is the only deaf student. And Hilo by Judd Winick is a story about a boy with super powers who fights off evil aliens. So okay, that one is a super hero story, but it’s still awesome.


Graphic novels are for everyone – boys and girls, young and old. The stories are fantastic and the art superb! Find the right graphic novel for you or someone you love! (Might I suggest Pacey Packer Unicorn Tracker?)


Photo credit: Stefanie Marco

Model Credit: Flynn Lantz, Instagram @flynnlantz


Want to read more:

Graphic Novels as a Tool to Improve Literacy

Raising Super Readers: Benefits of Comic Books & Graphic Novels